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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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no 1113963
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Missing records

If you know of records not shown on these maps, then this is almost certainly because they have not been submitted to the county recorder and our county database. Please provide us with your records if you have not already done so - the maps can only be as up-to-date and comprehensive as the data provided! Either provide your records to the appropriate county recorder or contact us giving the species name, date of your record, location and map grid reference or postcode. Unless you are an experienced recorder in the taxonomic group please also provide an image or voucher to support your record and the name of anyone who has identified or verified the record.

For your species Ectoedemia atrifrontella please note: Adult:Mine:
Adult: Hard to separate species, may need close examination and expert confirmation.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: The Recording Scheme would require confirmation in the majority of cases, e.g. specimen having been checked by the appropriate Area Organiser or an acknowledged expert.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Difficult to identify in most conditions. Additional information is required (for detector records detailed analysis of calls; for visual/in hand measurements or photographs). Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Serious identification challenge for most birdwatchers in all conditions . Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Species needs confirmation from national expert.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Difficult to identify, or poorly covered by available guides. Worth getting a second opinion and/or comparing to a reliable reference collection. For most of these species, a field photograph will not be sufficient to allow confident identification.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Species needs confirmation from national expert or UK Ladybird Survey.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Voucher specimen should be retained. Confirmation would be required in the majority of cases, e.g. specimen having been checked by an acknowledged expert.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Species needs confirmation from national expert. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Voucher specimen should be retained. Confirmation by an acknowledged expert will be required in most cases.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Difficult to identify in most conditions. Close inspection is necessary, for example in a trap. Records from beginners will need verification but records will be accepted from experienced recorders.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Voucher specimen should be retained. The Recording Scheme would require confirmation in the majority of cases, e.g. specimen having been checked by an acknowledged expert or brought along to an identification seminar, etc.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Record needs to be confirmed by national expert. Voucher specimens may be required. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Identification needs confirmation by county or regional expert. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Males can be identified in the field with care and experience. Female identification only accepted from known recorders or from good photographic evidence or else needs confirmation from a BDS County Dragonfly Recorder.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Species needs confirmation from national expert.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Voucher specimen should be retained. The Recording Scheme would require confirmation in the majority of cases, e.g. specimen having been checked by an acknowledged expert or brought along to an identification seminar.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Record needs to be confirmed by national expert. Voucher specimens may be required. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Record needs to be confirmed by national expert. Voucher specimens may be required. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Voucher specimen required to be examined by national expert. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Dissection required. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Species that are difficult to identify, often requiring dissection (although identification may not be conclusive in females). All except very experienced recorders could be expected to provide a specimen, particularly if the record is outside the known season or geographic range of the species.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Species that are difficult to identify, often requiring dissection of genitalia. Records accepted from known experienced recorders familiar with the species. Voucher specimen should be retained. If the recorder is not familiar with the species then a voucher specimen should be checked by an expert who is.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Species that are difficult to identify, often requiring dissection (although identification may not be conclusive in females). All except very experienced recorders could be expected to provide a specimen, particularly if the record is outside the known season or geographic range of the species.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Voucher specimen should be retained. The Recording Scheme would require confirmation in the majority of cases= e.g. specimen having been checked by an acknowledged expert or brought along to an identification seminar. A genitalia slide should be made and checked.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: Adult voucher specimens of either one or both sexes need careful dissection. Records accepted from known experienced recorders familiar with the species. Voucher specimen should be retained. If the recorder is not familiar with the species then a voucher specimen should be checked by an expert who is.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Adult: A voucher specimen should be retained and a genitalia dissection carried out unless the moth has been bred from a known larval food-plant for that species or the recorder is experienced and familiar with the species (this experience often gained by confirming identifications by dissection). Non-bred specimens found away from familiar areas should be retained and dissected unless an good quality photograph of a specific critical identification feature is made available for examination - e.g. the white antennal tip in Monochra tenebrella females.. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella
Mine: Leaf or good photograph required. Not possible to differentiate from longicaudella

If you have a large number of records to submit, please use the Moth template here.